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AAA+ Accredited Aircraft Appraisals | R. McKay

R. McKay - Aircraft Expert Witness - Senior Aircraft Appraiser Publicly appointed Sworn Aircraft Expert Witness on the authority of the Hanover Chamber of Industry & Commerce - Court Surveyor for Aircraft Value Assessment - ​Von der Industrie- & Handelskammer Hannover öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger für Bewertung von Flugzeugen, inbes. Geschäftsreiseflugzeuge ab 5,7 t - Mckay offers a range of aircraft asset management and appraisal services including the physical aircraft and records survey. | Aircraft Acquisitions Consulting includes the aircraft selection according owner/operator requirements. | Oversight of the pre-buy inspection (PPI) and the aircraft delivery. | Aircraft Re-Possession and End of Lease returns are planned & performed in accordance with contractual requirements. | Private Expert Witness Service. | Litigation Support Services as Court Expert Witness. | Memberships: NBAA, EBAA, GBAA, AOPA, ASA, VdL