TripleR is a truly independent company providing service for airports and airlines. TripleR is specialised in the following air travel industry products: CUTE, BHS, BRS, BSM, WAN and HOST systems. With the in-depth knowledge of the interactions required by the local Airport and the international Airlines, we believe to be the right partner for Airports, requiring information from the airline community and for airlines requiring global support.

World Aviation Promoter
World Aviation Promoter provides aviation consultancy services to promote air transportation activities. The company was established by Samuel MAKUZA, an industry-recognized expert in Aviation management, Air traffic services and Air operations. Samuel MAKUZA originally aimed for a career in Aviation, a master’s degree holder in Executive MBA aviation Option at MOI UNIVERSITY, and currently a part-time lecturer at University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies (UTB) delivering Airport operations and other aviation courses. The founder began his aviation career, as a certified Air traffic Controller December 2002 from East Africa school of Aviation, where he quickly learned not everyone believes aviation safety and efficiently control are the top priority. After serving as air traffic controller up to 2004 joined Aeronautical Information Management Services till June 2012 and thereafter as air operations officer 2013. These experiences from the founder mean is uniquely qualified to provide the aviation promoting this industry with consulting services in the areas of aviation advisory and training, aviation promoting, air operations coordination, flight charter services and aviation news.

Worldwide Integrated Flight Support Corporation
Avaiation data communications and flight operations/dispatch consulting and support services.