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APECS Aerospace

APECS Aerospace is an Aerospace Engineering Consulting Company specializing in FAA-DER and Regulatory Compliance Support. With hundreds of year's worth of Experience, APECS Team provides our clients with a wide variety of Engineering Support Services including; Repair Development, FAA-DER Services, FAA RS-DER Services, FAA-PMA Services, FAA-STC Services, Engineering Management Services, or any of a number of other cradle-to-grave services. APECS Engineers have familiarity with both the Operation and Performance characteristics of most Aircraft Systems. As such we can devise and design Intelligent Repairs that both suit the needs of the client as well as providing them with Safe, Quality Alternatives to OEM Repairs, or as a way to Reclaim parts or components thought to be Beyond Economical Repair (BER) or Unrecoverable. APECS has amassed a Consortium of Experienced and Well-Respected FAA-DERs whose wide range of expertise includes, but is not limited to: > Structures DERs > Cabin Safety/Mechanical DERs > Interiors DERs > Avionics/Electrical DERs > Powerplant DERs > Engine/APU DERs