International Passenger Terminal Expo 2006 Conference and Exhibition.
March 21st – 23rd – Paris, France.
Recognised as one of the world's leading events for airport passenger terminal technology, security, design, operations and management. Passenger Terminal Expo attracts key decision makers and senior executives from the airport and airline industries.
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Aviation and Environment Summit & Exhibition,
April 25 – 26th – Geneva, Switzerland
The first Summit (March 2005) was unparalleled, since never before had over 300 global aviation industry-wide leaders come together to discuss environmental matters. The second event will far surpass this.
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European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE)
May 3, 4 & 5 – Geneva, Switzerland.
There's only one place in Europe where the business aviation community goes to find the products and services they need from the world's top vendors, to learn what they need to know about the latest operational issues and to meet face-to-face with the regulators and government officials who make decisions that directly affect their business aviation operations.
Visit for more information