How much does it cost to register a .aero domain name?
The cost varies according to the registrar chosen. The minimum domain name registration period is for one year and registration fees are not refundable once your name has been submitted by your chosen registrar to the central registry. However, the registrar policies may differ. Please review the pricing and registration conditions on your registrar's web site before you confirm your registration request.
07/25/2017 - 10:56
Can I pay through an invoice?
All registrars are able to provide you with invoices instead of credit cards. If you do not wish to pay through a credit card, simply request your registrar to send you an invoice. Should a registrar refuse your request, please contact us at:
Due to Internet regulations regarding name registration, names cannot be registered directly through SITA, but need to be registered through one of the registrars listed on our web site, which you may find by going to the Registration icon, then "Registrars" or simply click here.
05/23/2012 - 19:58
How to find out if my registration was successful?
You will find a "Check names" box at the top of this web page. Simply type in your domain name. If your name has been registered, you will see the registration details. Please contact you registrar directly if you have any queries regarding the status of your registration.
06/03/2010 - 13:53
When can I start using my .aero domain name?
Once you have prepared your site and provided your name server details to your registrar, you should see your web site operational within approximately 24 hours.
06/03/2010 - 13:54
How do I register and get my Aviation Community Membership ID ?
Simply fill in the form here to apply for Membership ID. If the eligibility requirements are met, your Membership ID will be issued by SITA and sent to you within 2 working days. Using this ID, you may then finalize the order of your .aero domain name with your chosen registrar.
04/08/2011 - 14:48
How can I find out about the eligibility requirements?
A summary of our eligibility requirements is provided here. Eligibility criteria are defined in the Domain Management Policy, which you may access here.
06/03/2010 - 13:57
How can I obtain a .aero domain?
If you are eligible for a .aero domain name (i.e. are a member of the aviation community), you may register names through any .aero registrar. You can link with a number of registrar websites by clicking on the Registration icon at the top of this web page and then select ".aero registrars". Before you proceed to registrars, you should receive your Membership ID from SITA. Please click here to request your Membership ID.
05/23/2012 - 20:01
How do I prove I am an eligible member of the aviation community?
There are different types of proof required according to which aviation sector you belong. Examples of proof required might be an Airline Operating Certificate or a pilot's licence. You can check yourself which proof you need by going to the "Eligibilty and name format" page here. Once your eligibilty is established, you may be issued with an ID to register your names.
06/03/2010 - 14:01
How can I check if the domain name I would like is available?
Simply go to the "Check names" box and type in the name you are interested in, followed by ".aero".
06/03/2010 - 14:02
Ready to register a .aero domain? Apply for your Membership ID now.