Q: Your company became accredited in December 2005, making you one of the most recently contracted .aero registrars. What made you decide to offer .aero?
The ATA e-Business Program focuses on the creation of standards for information exchange to support engineering, maintenance, matériel management and flight operations. Members include airlines, aerospace manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, repair agencies, software providers and consultants who jointly develop a variety of standards used to make information exchange easier and more efficient.
Today a growing number of Federation members are enjoying the three core benefits of using the .aero suffix. First, it immediately identifies an aviation industry focus and increases visibility, particularly when set against the "noise" generated by 30 million .com and .org domains.
Domain names will be released for registration as of 1 November 2007. This list has been reviewed by the DAC and was correct as this newsletter was published, although a final review was still being undertaken by members of the DAC.
As the organization responsible for the integrity of the ,aero name, SITA is eager to welcome registrants from the virtual community. However, the eligibility criteria for those involved in the virtual community is the same as for those in the real community.
Not surprisingly, the purpose of ISOC has subsequently evolved as the Internet has become near-ubiquitous.